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"Most companies struggle to deliver projects in Canary Wharf, Oracle Storage however did an outstanding job and delivered a top quality solution."
Sector: Financial
Size: 12000 SQ FT
Price range: £21k - £50k
Products used: Security, Steel partitioning
ISS on behalf of Citibank needed to install several areas of secure mesh partitioning to protect business critical power and data equipment in their basement. All installers needed to not only have CSCS cards but have security clearance. On top of this, being located in Canary Wharf the deliveries needed careful planning and organisation with ISS and onsite facilities/security teams.
Oracle Storage designed each area to perfectly secure areas, providing extra safety and security within the power/data locations.
The power and data areas are now securely partitioned, providing Citibank and ISS the levels of security and safety needed.
Our expert team are on hand and available to answer your queries weekdays until 5:30pm.
01635 32032
[email protected]